
If you are like everyone else and have a problem that is tearing you up inside…
Don’t think about what’s going on around you because that just makes it worse.
I mean what happened in the past is done and over with.
Nothing can change what just happened, you can’t change it, but take time before you try and fix it.
You don't have to forget about it, but just forget about it for a while, maybe go for a walk, or out to eat, treat yourself to a shopping day, anything that will take your mind away so you can come back with a positive action.
I feel if you want to live a happy life...
you need to learn to let go of whatever issue you have, for just awhile so you don’t do anything you will regret or not regret in the future.


With Love~Free Mind

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why do we exist?

Some believe people exist because of random occurrences (the big bang) and that there really is no purpose to life. Others believe our existence and purpose is to serve a higher power (God or Gods). In order to exist one needs to learn to survive by eating, reproducing, educating, and dying. So to exist, one needs to allow the existence to repeat survival needs. Now we live to survive and again we survive to exist and to exist we must think, as an individual and as a group.

But who are we? The answer is simple you are who you are. You are: creative, fun, smart, you are you, an individual; you are one person in this enormous world! You are what your name is, where you live, what you do, and of course what you think.

We exist because we can and because we choose to. We choose to create, to dream, to communicate, to move, if we didn’t we couldn’t survive… we couldn’t exist.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I believe each one of us live for a purpose. That each of us has a special skill, talent, ambition to bring something different and change the world for the better. However, not all of us know how to shine in this society and most people are afraid to step out of the crowd.
