
If you are like everyone else and have a problem that is tearing you up inside…
Don’t think about what’s going on around you because that just makes it worse.
I mean what happened in the past is done and over with.
Nothing can change what just happened, you can’t change it, but take time before you try and fix it.
You don't have to forget about it, but just forget about it for a while, maybe go for a walk, or out to eat, treat yourself to a shopping day, anything that will take your mind away so you can come back with a positive action.
I feel if you want to live a happy life...
you need to learn to let go of whatever issue you have, for just awhile so you don’t do anything you will regret or not regret in the future.


With Love~Free Mind

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do Animals And Humans Have The Same Behavior?

Behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.

Animals have satisfactory and unsatisfactory responses. If an animal does something and found pleasure due to the action, the creature will repeat the act for the same satisfying result. However, if an animal does something and had a bad response, it will process as an unsatisfying reaction and most likely will not repeat the action anytime in fear of the same bad result.

Humans are much more complex then animals but we too live to devote to the pursuit of pleasure but we also strive for self-gratification. We make every effort to be happy, to feel pleasure, be it smoking, drinking, sex, getting an A or a promotion, etc. We enjoy how it makes us feel and will do anything to get that good feeling again.

Unfortunately most humans cannot emotionally stop doing something no matter what the consequence, either emotionally or physically.
One example, say one falls in love, things go wrong you brake up and are left hurting (emotionally). One may hold off a relationship so that feeling doesn’t happen again. But others, will keep looking to find what they felt before, forgetting the possible hurt it could create. Because one may enjoy the feeling of love, one may risk the possible consequences.
A second example is the constant need for physical pleasure like taking or drinking drugs, things that are harmful to your body, you still continue because it all makes us feel so good. It’s satisfying (physically).
People will do anything in order to be satisfied. Like animals, we repeat actions to get that satisfactory response. But unlike animals, we repeat actions for quick pleasure even though we know the end result will be unpleasant. So in a way, humans are hedonistic, because our motivation is pleasure even if it is for a few moments. Then again we are not because we do not avoid certain situations to bypass the bad result.

What do you think?

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Time Travel

If you had the chance to go back I time and re-due your entire life… Would you?

-I would, I mean I do not regret where I am right now because I know what I will be in the future, but there are just some points in my life where I wish I made a different decision. Like becoming a cheerleader (I had taken gymnastics and I loved it, well I eventually moved and of course there was no gymnastics class only cheerleading, but my friends said it was a bad idea, because “you know what they say about cheerleaders”.) Also, I wished I had told this guy I liked that I liked him instead of dating his brother because he asked first, not only that, I think about how things would have been if I stayed at my dad’s instead of moving in with my mom. Man would things be so different!-

You know we all had points in our life that we stop to think…. If I did this instead, how would my life be different? If I just stood up for my self the first time, this wouldn’t keep happening? All these should-a could-a would-a’s messing with our minds. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we just had a remote control to pause, rewind and fast-forward our lives like that movie CLICK with Adam Sandler?

Now of course we can’t go back in time, we can only work towards the future…yadi yada… But if we could, Who Would Take Advantage?

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why do we exist?

Some believe people exist because of random occurrences (the big bang) and that there really is no purpose to life. Others believe our existence and purpose is to serve a higher power (God or Gods). In order to exist one needs to learn to survive by eating, reproducing, educating, and dying. So to exist, one needs to allow the existence to repeat survival needs. Now we live to survive and again we survive to exist and to exist we must think, as an individual and as a group.

But who are we? The answer is simple you are who you are. You are: creative, fun, smart, you are you, an individual; you are one person in this enormous world! You are what your name is, where you live, what you do, and of course what you think.

We exist because we can and because we choose to. We choose to create, to dream, to communicate, to move, if we didn’t we couldn’t survive… we couldn’t exist.

What do you think?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cogito Ergo Sum

I think, therefore I am...

Rene Descartes, a French philosopher argued, "because even if an all-powerful demon were to try to deceive me into thinking that I exist when I do not, I would have to exist for the demon to deceive me. Therefore, whenever I think, I exist."

To me, I feel this saying means that even if you feel like you are a no-body, as long as you have an opinion, a belief, a feeling, just a thought, you are human, you are alive, you are apart of an existing society.

What do you think?

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